Hello Mr Lees, Well. For the larger designs, well done. This is the kind of picture I've been asking for since October. The units look like they could be refurbished from the originals, along with showing me what the frames look like. Then again, that design I'd confirmed with CET directly and they sent me back their amendments for approval. For the smaller ones, not quite so happy. I'm attaching back (again), the pdf of the original that I measured to scale. as you can see they're a little different. I had expected, after Robbie came out and took the acetate printout I'd made, that given that you'd be producing 4(?) slightly different units with this design, that I'd be sent them to sign off before you went off and had them produced. Having not had that feedback and confirmation stage, I am, again, quite disappointed. Especially with this being the simpler design. The section at the bottom has been cut off, whereas the curves in the bottom half should end on the sides, not in the corners. I'd be more than happy to send you technical drawings of what I'd expect, if you send me the sizes of the units. Robbie explained about there needing to be a overlap (underlap?) around the edges, so that's not a problem. However I'm really not feeling that this extra hassle justifies what I'm supposed to be paying for this. Especially given that this is for half of the house - the rest requiring two more of the larger design and 5 of the small. I really don't want to have to go through all this stress again in another 18 months or so. --- As for installing: I've got a studio project on at the moment, which should be finished in a couple of weeks. Then I'm away 8-10th Feb, possibly to the end of that week. If/when the old units are removed, would it be possible to preserve the existing stained glass panels? After all, their craftsmanship has lasted since 1936, so I think it would be a shame for them to be disposed of when they can be fitted to light-boxes for decoration and preservation. Regards, Sean Meacher Sent from Windows Mail Dear Mr Meacher, These are photo's of your actual windows, they are nearly ready to deliver to us. I hope these are to your approval. Kind regards
I'm afraid I've had a few hectic days of dealing with support calls. Have you been able to get hold of the stained glass designs for the small windows that went to production? (as that was what Robbie was sent out before Christmas for). I'd prefer to know what I'm getting before it turns up. Photo's of the finished units (for the stained glass) would be really helpful as well, then I can compare what I'd asked for/agreed to with what has actually been made and the existing designs. The production of these (for keeping the existing character of the house) was a big part of why I chose to use you. On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:02:17 +0000, Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Dear Mr Meacher, Firstly let me apologise for the non contact. I am paying attention and I do care. I cannot answer all your points in your email as I need to speak to our technical team, Robbie Yapp and CET. I was aware that your contract was delayed back in October. I was being cc in by Bodmin and Robbie. I was only asked today to contact you over the outstanding issues. Let me answer what I can today. 1) Confirmation of the amended fanlight designs, given that there are apparently four slightly different sizes. Scale drawings would be acceptable, photo's if you can. I shouldn't have to speak to CET again for this; I need to speak to Rob to get up to speed and CET 3) Some photo's of what they're going to look like. So far, no-one not even the saleman has shown me anything regarding this. It doesn't need to be the actual units, although I'm sure that would be possible now, even a link to the style on the everest website would be enough to give me a warm feeling. I really don't have time to visit St Albans. If it helps, imagine I'm in the showroom, take some pictures for me *that you think I would be happy with* and send them to me. Try http://www.everest.co.uk/double-glazing-windows/timber/ this should give some idea of what the windows look like. The offer of coming to my centre is still open if you need to see these windows close up. 4) Confirmation of an installation date. I'm not a great fan of rocket-powered moving goalposts, they give me a headache. The revised delivery date is now 31 January, once in my centre I can get this fitted ASAP 5) Contact details for the current MD. All the news stories I found pointed to the man who, according to his LinkedIn profile, left a couple of years go. I can spend some time on the Companies House site and find it myself, but I would like the information from you as it saves me the trouble and it shows you are listening. The MD is a Mr Roy Saunders, he has been with us for about 1 year now. He can be emailed through our head office. The contact details are on our web site where I gave you the link. In closing, I will be your point of contact if you have any issues from this day on. My mobile number is 07903 208287. I am confident that I can put some faith back in you. Have a good weekend Kind regards Rob, I would like to talk to you so we can run through all these issues and respond to Mr Meacher ASAP
We also have a rather bad signal in our offices. It's like working in a faraday cage. The following is what I've been attempting to communicate. I would would appreciate your feedback as I'm now considering cancelling the whole thing due to being ignored. Regards, Sean Meacher
Christmas is a time of giving and receiving, or gifts and
surprises. What do you intend to do to have me come out of this a happy customer?.. -----
ES1910AR-2 Small window outline SWM.pdf
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