I have just spoken to Richard. He is going into back to back meetings now. He will try to send you an email today, failing this it will be tomorrow morning
From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 05 November 2014 13:50
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence; John Rushmere
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Before this gets out of hand again. I appreciate all that you've tried to do given the constraints you work within, however what I need you to do *today* is to pick up the phone and speak to Richard Lawrence, then get him to write to me and explain what
Everest intends to do to ensure that I end up a happy customer.
On 04/11/2014 17:37, Ken Lees wrote:
Good afternoon Mr Meacher,
it would have to be treated as a new contract. I will contact John Rushmere and see if we can get some prices. I would need to speak to sales to talk about
a new finance package.
John can you call me please to discuss.
Regards Ken
From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 04 November 2014 14:51
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Hello Gentlemen,
It has been a week since Ken said he would talk to Richard about what you're going to do about the rest of the windows for my house.
Can you let me know how you plan on sorting this out?
This may be an obvious suggestion, but given that you're essentially producing new units for those that you've finally acknowledged were incorrect, what's to stop you consolidating *everything* (meaning the ES1910AR order and the rest of the windows for my
house) into a new order and then submitting to me a new finance agreement for the agreed/requested amount?..
Sean Meacher
On 28/10/2014 15:42, Ken Lees wrote:
I will speak to Richard

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 28 October 2014 15:42
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Well. Given that I had to write to your CEO to get this far, maybe you and Mr Lawrence should have a discussion about that.
On Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:23:45 +0000, Ken Lees <Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes I agree that they have been measured up, but no price or contract has been agreed. would you like to commence as a new contract?

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 28 October 2014 15:17
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
and so what are the plans for the rest of the windows that are now all measured up?..
On Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:20:14 +0000, Ken Lees <Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, itâs the original contract, the leads that were wrong, thatâs what we are changing
From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 28 October 2014 14:14
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
By *everything*, I meant the complete set of windows for the house.
"on that contract" would only be the first batch that were wrong wouldn't it?
On 28/10/2014 11:06, Ken Lees wrote:
Yes sure, it means that the surveyors remakes have been accepted and are starting to be made, or no problems with his survey. So all
is good for everything on that contract. Regards Ken
From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:02 AM
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Could you explain what you mean by 'broken down for manufacture' please?
So is this for *everything*?..
On Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:17:27 +0000, Ken Lees wrote:
Good afternoon,
The windows are broken down for manufacture. The estimated delivery date is 24/12. I will try to improve on this time, but the leads
are bespoke as you know.
The new stained units are overlayed on the glass, it has to be like this as the unit has to be sealed. They will not fade and the colour
will not be affected by UV rays.
The leaded glass that is in your house is made up of individual pieces of glass, this cannot be replicated into a sealed unit. Of course
we will leave the old glass on site for you.
I will of course keep you updated to when the windows are coming in, we can work together and agree a date for the installation
Kind regards

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 October 2014 14:41
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
It has now been a week since you sent your surveyor up from Eastbourne, so I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything back about your next actions.
Ken, you said John would be able to answer all my questions, although he explained a bit more about what I was getting he really just created more questions.
It does make me wonder what else I might not have been told anything about.
I understand more about frame sizes and depths, also confirming my understanding that 'fixing' the incorrect designs in-situ would have been a very very bad idea.
Also, I was intrigued to discover that the 'leading' is in fact not stained-glass at all (due to the sealing requirements of the units), but really just lead strips backed by coloured film.
Given that the real thing has been there since 1936, how long would the colours on this 'film' be expected to last?..
I'd also like to state now that, if possible, I'd like to keep possession of the existing stained-glass panels once they are removed, as junking them would seem like such a waste
and they can be made into pleasant backlit units.
What I would also like to know, is what is your production schedule?
I have a number of things that need doing before I can be ready for any installations, so knowing when that would be would help put my mind at ease and allow me to plan appropriately.
On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:45:01 +0000, Ken Lees <Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
His name is John Rushmere. he is coming in to see me Friday, we will go through the survey together, he will be fully briefed for his
visit Saturday. I will show him the windows that we have in the warehouse. He will be able to answer all your questions on Saturday
From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 15 October 2014 14:20
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Could you possibly let me know whom I should be expecting to arrive on my doorstep on Saturday?
Also, I'd appreciate an update on the status of the smaller stained glass designs that you are supposed to be correcting.
Have they been manufactured yet? and if so, can you send me pictures please.
Sean Meacher
On 09/10/2014 15:42, Ken Lees wrote:
Yes Saturday 18th around lunch time.
Many thanks

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October 2014 14:39
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
How about around lunchtime Saturday 18th Oct?
On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 13:35:12 +0000, Ken Lees <Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good afternoon Mr Meacher,
Thanks you for your email.
I do need to have a surveyor return to input into his laptop to obtain the correct designs. I know you have supplied us with the templates
that you have drawn up, but we may need to tweak the sizes of the openings to accommodate the designs that you require. Once we have re surveyed I can get this into production and will chase them through production. We will fit around your schedule for this
visit. Could you please give me with some dates for us to return.
Kind regards

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October 2014 10:58
To: Richard Lawrence
Cc: Ken Lees
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Hello Gentlemen,
I was just preparing an email to ask what was going on, so this is probably an opportune time for it.
I'd be happy to know:
* What has been completed?
* What is currently in progress?
* What is still to be done?
* What are the 'blockers', if any.
As then I can get on with scheduling my next few months.
Weekly updates would be great for me, as like we have here for our 'project sprints', even 'no progress' is at least an update.
I'm happy for you to sort it all out yourselves (without need to have a conference call), as long as someone keeps me updated and asks appropriate questions when required.
Sean Meacher
On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 09:11:40 +0000, Richard Lawrence <Richard.Lawrence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good Morning
Having been offsite for the last week I have come back to find we have not really progressed matters in any substantial way. I would
refer back to my previous emails and would encourage us all to have a conference call so we may progress matters.
Would you be agreeable to this and if so when would be a good time to do so?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Richard Lawrence
National Customer Relations Manager

Everest House, Sopers Road, Cuffley, EN6 4SG
Direct Dial:01707 877 022
Mobile: 07808365158
Fax: 01707 876 156
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From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 September 2014 10:33
To: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Thank you for the reply.
Sean Meacher
On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:46:56 +0000, Richard Lawrence <Richard.Lawrence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your email, I am sorry for the delay in responding , I have been offsite for two days but back in tomorrow . I will discuss
with Ken and revert back to you if that would be ok
Kind Regards,
Richard Lawrence
National Customer Relations Manager

Everest House, Sopers Road, Cuffley, EN6 4SG
Direct Dial:01707 877 022
Mobile: 07808365158
Fax: 01707 876 156
This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you
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From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 September 2014 09:54
To: Richard Lawrence
Cc: Ken Lees
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Hello Gentlemen,
Apparently you're both back in your offices this week, so I'm hoping this is a good time to see where we are in all this.
After all, it has now officially been over a year since I first signed up with Everest and really it's no closer to completion than it was back in
To reiterate, this is what I'd requested in my letter to your CEO:
a) Produce the correct designs to the given specifications, confirming with me what is to be manufactured.
b) Produce the rest of the windows (with the correct designs) so that I never have to come back and deal with Everest ever again.
c) Because this whole debacle has been the internal fault of Everest, donât charge me more than the existing/outstanding Â18,816 as a way to say sorry
for all of this.
So, now:
Mr Lees, as you have been the person dealing with part 'a', could you update us on what the status of the first 50% of the windows are?
Mr Lawrence, in your email from 21st August, you replied:
"I am favouring option 1 in your letter and donât have an issue discounting the order as you have suggested."
Therefore, as you have agreed to complete the other 50% of the windows for my house (by "producing the rest of the windows" and "so that I never have to come back and deal with Everest ever again" as mentioned in parts 'b' and 'c') for "no
more than the existing Â18,816", how do we make this happen?..
As far as I am concerned, asking you to produce all of the windows for installation at the same time is a single order for the house and always has been.
In the email I had from you (16th September), I'm not sure where you came up with the amount of Â2082 from as that sounds like the deposit I've already paid.
This amount I long ago considered written off and also have never ever mentioned in any of my correspondence to you.
You also in that same email mentioned the finance agreement.
How do we go about adjusting that so that I'm not stung by all this later? given that it has been so stressful dealing with Everest and taken so much
of my time and energy over the past THIRTEEN MONTHS.
I'm perfectly happy for you to produce new documents and send them for me to sign.
To be clear, I've never ever asked for 'free' windows.
My requests have not changed since January, using the same words.
I've asked you to do 100% of the windows for my home for Â18,816, which you have agreed to do.
How you make that happen is not my problem.
This works out to a discount of around 50% from the initial survey price of around Â38,000.
As my engineering background has given me some understanding of how mass production works, or at least how it should, this I would also consider
a more realistic amount for the whole house.
I do hope that we can resolve this without me having to write to Mr Saunders again.
That would be a disappointment.