Dear Mr Meacher,
Details of this matter have been referred to my office.
I am aware that the progression of this contract has been not all that we had hoped, for which I offer my apologies on behalf of the Company.
I have reviewed the history and note that as long ago as March of last year you have been suggesting that cancellation is in fact your preferred option,
however, then, as now, a cancellation will not simply allow the parties to walk away from this contract, and in the event that you maintain your desire to cancel this contract, it shall fall upon me to recover damages from you as a result. I remain hopeful
that you shall reconsider this request and allow us to proceed.
Our efforts to provide you with lead designs in line with your requirements have proved problematical but not insurmountable, and my understanding is
that the replacements are in stock at our installation centre in St Albans. I am aware that you have indicated your dissatisfaction with these designs and confirm that we are perfectly willing to discuss this with you however we remain committed to proceed
with the installation in line with the terms of your contract.
I accept that the problem is compounded by the fact that your finance agreement has now lapsed and our policy change in terms of finance provision has
removed the cashback benefit to which you would have been entitled had the contract been installed earlier. With that in mind, we have agreed to a 10% reduction to your contract value in order to ensure that you do not suffer as a result of this delay in
actual financial terms relating to the contract value.
I am further mindful that you will have incurred some inconvenience as a result of the protracted nature of these works, and I offer my sincere apology
for this, and confirm that I will be willing to have a reasonable discussion with you regarding a reduction to the contract value in this regard also, however my condition is that this discussion must take place only once the works are completed.
With that in mind, may we proceed with your contract, we will address your issues with the lead design and complete the works entirely at your convenience,
and once complete we may discuss a reduction to the contract value in excess of the 10% mentioned above.
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely
Nick Flanagan
Legal Services Manager
Tel - 01707 877 055
Mob - 07808 365 292
Fax - 01707 873 452
Everest House - Sopers Road - Cuffley - Hertfordshire - EN6 4SG