Well, all I can say is 'interesting'.
Bear in mind this is the first time I've seen what they would look like from the outside - even Trevor never actually showed me any example external views.
It does seem like an awful lot of wood, although that would be comparing them to the 1936 originals.
As an example, the picture of the hallway units that Ken sent me January 2014 shows the inside which is rather plain, so I was expecting the same for these ones. They do look
a bit more ornamental and slightly imposing.
Can you do a set of pictures of the insides for all of them? as that's what I'd have to be looking out from every day.
Can you also confirm they are actually all white and not cream please?
The door and windows look ok.
photos of the insides please
I'd been told what they would look like, so it's not a complete surprise, although the fanlight there does look somewhat tiny (glass area).
photo of the outside please
Can you find out for me the sizes of the glass panels? I'd like to measure out how much smaller your ones are.
photo of the inside please
Of course the design looks great.
I had expected the outside to look like the inside and be completely smooth (that was one of the pictures that Ken sent Jan 2014)
But if they all look consistent from the outside then that's one small good thing.
These are quite a surprise, as mentioned above. They're not exactly 'like for like' are they. Are the sills standard? as they look a bit ugly (but it could just be a bad picture).
Am I to assume they're all the same and all open?
I had thought the ones that didn't would be completely sealed.
As a comparison, the originals open the main units on 1,3,5 and the fanlights on 2,4.
I can't help thinking that the gaps you can see might be difficult to keep clean after a few years...
photos of the inside please
'fanlights to small bed bay':
At least the design is consistent with the 'bed bay'.
bear in mind the fanlights for the small bedroom are supposed to be in the middle not the sides.
photo of the inside please
'middle section small bed bay':
These still have the incorrect design. I thought you'd had them all re-done?..
Can you explain to me exactly how and why this was not checked before sending this to me?
Is this going to take another year?? (not happy).
I did after all, send you this time last year four scale drawings for the four differently sized panels.
Words cannot describe my displeasure and disappointment.
As for the spreadsheet, someone has misunderstood.
It was supposed to be a full set of prices so that I could see what the total would be 'at cost' and therefore make an informed decision.
This is especially important given that your frame designs look unlike any other modern replacement I have seen.
What you've sent me looks like a breakdown of the retail pricing, just for the original order.
My understanding of this is:
retail = 'production cost' + margin + VAT.
What happened to Adam getting the measurements from John Buckland to price up the rest of the windows 'at cost'? (as you apparently authorised).
So this shows you've made at least some progress over the last year and a bit.
But not quite enough.
Do you think it will be possible to have this sorted by the summer?
Good Afternoon Mr Meacher
Further to your letters to Mr Yarwood-Smith.
Here are the photographs of the units and the spreadsheet requested. Hopefully these are acceptable.
Kind Regards,
Richard Lawrence
National Customer Relations Manager

Everest House, Sopers Road, Cuffley, EN6 4SG
Direct Dial:01707 877 022
Mobile: 07808365158
Fax: 01707 876 156
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From: Ken Lees
Sent: 20 February 2015 14:25
To: Richard Lawrence
Subject: ES1910AR Meacher
Richard, please find spread sheet populated, cannot attach pictures as I could not get on website so I have attached the photo's here.
Ok as you can see some are still on pallets and I would like then to stay on there for protection.
The small bed bay still has the top fanlights in and we have the fanlights to swap over, I want to keep them protected as they have to travel to site.
Please let me know if you or Mr Meacher requires any further information