Yes Saturday 18th around lunch time.
Many thanks

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October 2014 14:39
To: Ken Lees
Cc: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
How about around lunchtime Saturday 18th Oct?
On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 13:35:12 +0000, Ken Lees <Ken.Lees@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good afternoon Mr Meacher,
Thanks you for your email.
I do need to have a surveyor return to input into his laptop to obtain the correct designs. I know you have supplied us with the templates
that you have drawn up, but we may need to tweak the sizes of the openings to accommodate the designs that you require. Once we have re surveyed I can get this into production and will chase them through production. We will fit around your schedule for this
visit. Could you please give me with some dates for us to return.
Kind regards

From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October 2014 10:58
To: Richard Lawrence
Cc: Ken Lees
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Hello Gentlemen,
I was just preparing an email to ask what was going on, so this is probably an opportune time for it.
I'd be happy to know:
* What has been completed?
* What is currently in progress?
* What is still to be done?
* What are the 'blockers', if any.
As then I can get on with scheduling my next few months.
Weekly updates would be great for me, as like we have here for our 'project sprints', even 'no progress' is at least an update.
I'm happy for you to sort it all out yourselves (without need to have a conference call), as long as someone keeps me updated and asks appropriate questions when required.
Sean Meacher
On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 09:11:40 +0000, Richard Lawrence <Richard.Lawrence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good Morning
Having been offsite for the last week I have come back to find we have not really progressed matters in any substantial way. I would
refer back to my previous emails and would encourage us all to have a conference call so we may progress matters.
Would you be agreeable to this and if so when would be a good time to do so?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Richard Lawrence
National Customer Relations Manager

Everest House, Sopers Road, Cuffley, EN6 4SG
Direct Dial:01707 877 022
Mobile: 07808365158
Fax: 01707 876 156
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From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 September 2014 10:33
To: Richard Lawrence
Subject: RE: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Thank you for the reply.
Sean Meacher
On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:46:56 +0000, Richard Lawrence <Richard.Lawrence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your email, I am sorry for the delay in responding , I have been offsite for two days but back in tomorrow . I will discuss
with Ken and revert back to you if that would be ok
Kind Regards,
Richard Lawrence
National Customer Relations Manager

Everest House, Sopers Road, Cuffley, EN6 4SG
Direct Dial:01707 877 022
Mobile: 07808365158
Fax: 01707 876 156
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From: Sean Meacher [mailto:sean@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 September 2014 09:54
To: Richard Lawrence
Cc: Ken Lees
Subject: Re: CEO Letter ES1910AR
Hello Gentlemen,
Apparently you're both back in your offices this week, so I'm hoping this is a good time to see where we are in all this.
After all, it has now officially been over a year since I first signed up with Everest and really it's no closer to completion than it was back in
To reiterate, this is what I'd requested in my letter to your CEO:
a) Produce the correct designs to the given specifications, confirming with me what is to be manufactured.
b) Produce the rest of the windows (with the correct designs) so that I never have to come back and deal with Everest ever again.
c) Because this whole debacle has been the internal fault of Everest, donât charge me more than the existing/outstanding Â18,816 as a way to say sorry
for all of this.
So, now:
Mr Lees, as you have been the person dealing with part 'a', could you update us on what the status of the first 50% of the windows are?
Mr Lawrence, in your email from 21st August, you replied:
"I am favouring option 1 in your letter and donât have an issue discounting the order as you have suggested."
Therefore, as you have agreed to complete the other 50% of the windows for my house (by "producing the rest of the windows" and "so that I never have to come back and deal with Everest ever again" as mentioned in parts 'b' and 'c') for "no
more than the existing Â18,816", how do we make this happen?..
As far as I am concerned, asking you to produce all of the windows for installation at the same time is a single order for the house and always has been.
In the email I had from you (16th September), I'm not sure where you came up with the amount of Â2082 from as that sounds like the deposit I've already paid.
This amount I long ago considered written off and also have never ever mentioned in any of my correspondence to you.
You also in that same email mentioned the finance agreement.
How do we go about adjusting that so that I'm not stung by all this later? given that it has been so stressful dealing with Everest and taken so much
of my time and energy over the past THIRTEEN MONTHS.
I'm perfectly happy for you to produce new documents and send them for me to sign.
To be clear, I've never ever asked for 'free' windows.
My requests have not changed since January, using the same words.
I've asked you to do 100% of the windows for my home for Â18,816, which you have agreed to do.
How you make that happen is not my problem.
This works out to a discount of around 50% from the initial survey price of around Â38,000.
As my engineering background has given me some understanding of how mass production works, or at least how it should, this I would also consider
a more realistic amount for the whole house.
I do hope that we can resolve this without me having to write to Mr Saunders again.
That would be a disappointment.